another attempt at animated gif

This one was created in Image Magick. It works alright when opened in a web browser. Does it work when uploaded on WordPress??

another attempt at an animated gif


It worked only  by creating a link to the gif file. Not by simply inserting it as an image…


Its an animation every 5 yrs of projected California population data..

How was it created?

First, I had a sequence of .png images, extracted from GRASS GIS work (to be posted later). Then I ran a simple Image Magick utility to take the stack of .png files and create an animated gif called “trial.gif”. Its an endless loop, anda 20/100 second delay between images.

convert -delay 20 -loop 0 *.png trial.gif

I learned about this useful command here.

To Do

1. The image files must be named in some logical order. For example if they are named file1, file 2….file20, it wont work right. The images will be animated from file1, file10,file11…

So the files must be renamed correctly…I’m working on it. If you know, please comment!

2. In GRASS I still need to add a legend and title working on it

3. Then I’m going to create a kml animation..

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